
初入院醫療評估, Initial MR

Initial Medical Report, Initial MR


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1. Is the facility fully adequate to deliver the level of care expected for the patient?
 If no what are your concerns?
2. Principal Diagnosis -
 Relevant Co-morbidities -
3. Date of onset of illness/accident -
4. History of Event (please describe circumstances, if accident) -
5. Past history (all medical problems) and related conditions -
6. Physical Examination: (include main vital signs, temperature and usually O2 saturation); Please give detailed description of clinically relevant areas -
 Pulse: / BP: / Temp: / O2 Sat (Under Air or Oxygen): /
 Platelets: / WBC: / Haemoglobin: / Hematocrit: /
 Clinical Findings -
7. Laboratory and Radiology: (please give results of all relevant studies, eg: blood count, chemistries, ECG, echo, X rays, scans, MRI...) -
8. Treatment: (please describe all major treatment, inc. surgeries, antibiotics, etc); Please note level of care (intensive care, normal ward) -
9. Consultations: (please note main specialty consultations and results) -
10. Course of illness to date (please note main developments) -
11. Current condition of patient: (Mobility, activities of daily life etc.) -
12. Anticipated length of stay -
13. What do you anticipate for disposition of the patient?
 a. Treatment until discharge or ready to travel home:
 b. Immediate evacuation:
 c. Do you anticipate special repatriation assistance?
* If YES to either 13b or 13c, please complete the following:
 Fit To Fly / From (dd/mm/yyyy)
 Escort: □Doctor / □Nurse / □Non-Medical
 Mainliner: □First Class / □Business Class / □Economy Class / □Extra Seat
 □Wheelchair(WCHC // WCHR // WCHS // WCOB) / □Stretcher / □Air Ambulance
 Require Oxygen: / Litre Per Min: / Continuous:
 Re-admission upon arrival: □In-Patient / □Out-Patient / □Home Nurse / □Other:
14. Current recommendations:(please describe any specific recommendations related to above response -

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Wheelchair 類別說明:
